Pasta dough(For your home made pasta)


Pasta dough


White flour

1 cup Flour

¼ cup of Semolina flour

1 whole egg

1 teaspoon of olive oil



Sift first the white flour and semolina flour together on a pastry bowl or board.

Then make a well in the center of the flour add the whole egg olive oil and add a small amount of water of cold water.

Knead the mixture thoroughly until the dough turns smooth and elastic.

Let dough rest for an hour at room temperature.

After that roll dough with a rolling pin several times and cut into desired pieces.

Or you can wrap your dough put it in your refrigerator so that you will have fresh pasta dough when you wanted to.


Points to remember:

The purpose of kneading the dough thoroughly is to develop the gluten in the flour, which will make it elastic.

Pasta dough is not salted because it will make the dough brittle.
